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Thursday, 16 August 2007

Integrating off and online is best!

Jo Parker

Great to see some research from the Royal Mail today that shows that consumers spend almost 25% more when digital advertising is integrated with direct mail campaigns.

Shoppers who prefer to engage with both direct mail and online advertising spend on average £105 a month on goods and services after receiving a combination of the two - £19 more than those who like online ads only and £34 more than those who would choose only direct mail.

The research, carried out by Quadrangle, also revealed consumers’ views on email communications:

69% feel that email is best used for supporting or clarifying the mail they receive

Six in ten agreed that they would prefer a company to approach them first by post, than by email

Over half of respondents believe that DM gives a better impression of a company than email

Eight in ten believe that email is best for communicating brief messages

66% prefer to receive detailed information by direct mail

69% prefer to receive important or sensitive messages by direct mail

This is great because it backs up our own advice to clients. We have seen a huge shift towards email (and the cost savings and targeting advantages are compelling) but at the cost of traditional direct mail. At the end of the day, the media selection must be based on what works best for the consumer.

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