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Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Credit crunch hits home


It's a survey (read PR release) but one that caught my eye - apparently the credit crunch is impacting on our love lives:

  • Divorce rates are predicted to rise
  • More arguments at home due to financial pressures
  • Loss of libido due to worry
  • Worries cause people to spend less time communicating with their partners
So perhaps we can 'love' our way through this difficult period? I'm prepared to do my bit, are you?

Monday, 19 May 2008

What makes you feel wealthier?

Jo M

We've just completed some research for one of our clients on what makes for a wealthier future.

I wanted to share with you the five key things that make people feel wealthier:

  1. Owning their home outright (55%)
  2. Owning a second home (44%)
  3. Travelling first class (29%)
  4. Driving a car worth over £50,000 (28%)
  5. Owning an expensive ‘toy’ e.g. a boat or plane (22%)
That's your birthday lists all sorted then.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Fame at last


Thanks to those nice people at New Media Age for printing my letter in today's issue.

I was was responding to one of those 'I'd like to make a very valid point about X oh and I just happen to be the person who sells the product or service that answers that problem' type letter.

In this case it was all about how much better widgets were in delivering content than email due to speed, personalisation and the ability of users to pull in content of interest to them.

My point, in response to the above, was that the technology of delivering information to a user (push or pull) is not the key issue but that the content was the most vital element. I can continue to embrace the latest super widget technology but if I havent addressed the quality of my content it is pointless.

I feel better for getting that off my chest. Plus getting my photo in the magazine makes my mum proud and that's a nice thing.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Interesting insight into AGM's


Quite an interesting article via thisismoney where their reporters attend a number of AGM's (honestly it is quite interesting) and report on Darlington Building Society, Yorkshire Building Society and the the Catholic Building Society.

It's very interesting to note the different ways each organisation manages it's AGM from a 'secret society' feel (a members words) to wine and cheese being laid on.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Yahoo & Google


There has been lots of concern voiced about Google and Yahoo 'moving closer together' following the aborted Microsoft takeover - initially discussing Yahoo embracing Google's search technology and adwords product.

What's unusual is some of the specific groups in the US who have written to the Justice Department to complain about the power of the two companies combined - my favourites were League of Rural Voters and the Corn Growers Association.

Wow - who knew Google had it in for farmers?

Friday, 9 May 2008

Are you high net worth?


Then forget Ebay - you need MillionaireBay a site catering to the needs of the super wealthy. With a strapline of 'acquire what you desire' the site offers products from supercars to property to jewellery.

However unlike the typical starting bids in pennies on Ebay most of the starting bids here start in the tens of thousands.

Now I am happy to boast when I get a good deal on Ebay but will the customers on MillionaireBay to happy that the rest of the set know just how much they paid for something?

PS I did do some real digging and it does seem genuine!

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

shhh turn the volume down


That long time bug bear of TV viewers, the volume of tv adverts, is finally to be addressed.

This summer new regulations come into force that set out that adverts must not be "excessively noisy or strident". I like the word strident - it sounds very official - def: making or having a harsh sound; grating; creaking.

Wow maybe now TV ads will need to deliver content that's of interest to the viewer rather than just shouting at them.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Bank holiday spending


Apparently prior to 1834 the Bank of England recognised 33 saints days and religious festivals - now that sounds like one of the best decisions they ever made.

Friday, 2 May 2008

Wii Fit


Yes it's absolutely nothing to do with financial services but if you, like me, have been searching high and low for a Wii Fit board (as a present honestly) then this site should be on your favourite's:

Wii Consoles

It will launch a pop up window to tell you when new stock has been detected. Now that's a very basic bit of functionality but how good would it be, given the current mortgage market, to offer the same service to announce new rates?

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Yey a web site is born


It's always a nice morning when a clients web site launches as planned and today is a very lovely morning as we celebrate the launch of the Independent Women website.

Independent Women was Scotland's first IFA firm dedicated to offering friendly, professional financial advice for women and set up by Lesley Collins in 1997.

So here's to Lesley, Kate, Jennifer and the team and plenty of unique users, page views and return visits.